劉少英 教授

広島大学 大学院先進理工系科学研究科 教授 劉 少英 氏

Software Fault Prevention and Verification for Human-Machine Pair Programming

Human-Machine Pair Programming (HMPP) is a new software development paradigm proposed by the speaker in 2018. It is characterized by the combination of human constructing algorithms while machine preventing faults during the construction and verifying the correctness after the construction. The most challenging problems in HMPP are how faults can be effectively and efficiently prevented during the programming process and how the constructed program be automatically verified. In this talk, after a brief discussion of the challenges for the well-studied and applied software development methods and how they can be tackled by the HMPP technology, I will concentrate on the presentation of several fault prevention approaches and the Testing-Based Formal Verification (TBFV) method. Finally, I will point out potential research topics for future research.

Shaoying Liu is a Professor of Software Engineering at Hiroshima University, Japan, IEEE Fellow, and BCS Fellow. He received the Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of Manchester, U.K in 1992. His research interests include Formal Engineering Methods for Software Development, Specification-based Program Inspection and Testing, Testing-Based Formal Verification, and Human-Machine Pair Programming. He has published a book entitled "Formal Engineering for Industrial Software Development" with Springer-Verlag, 12 edited conference proceedings, and over 250 papers in refereed journals and international conferences. He proposed to use the terminology of "Formal Engineering Methods" in 1997, and has established Formal Engineering Methods as a research area based on his extensive research on the SOFL (Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language) method since 1989, and the development of ICFEM conference series since 1997. In recent years, he has served as the General Chair of ICFEM 2016, ICFEM 2017, QRS 2020, and ICECCS 2022. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Reliability and Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, and a member of IPSJ, and IEICE.